Tuesday, April 26, 2011


    I have had a wonderful time here at Classic City High.  I have learned a lot about myself and about the students that I have worked with.  I have learned that though I may disagree with teaching policies, I can mold them to work for me.  I have always been considered a rebel of sorts.  If I disagree with something, I usually let it be known.  Though I didn't like the E2020 program, I made it work for me.  I got students to read stories by reading every other paragraph for them and summarizing each paragraph as we read it.  I also got students to really think about which answer they should pick.  I was able to make it through my twenty two hours without criticizing the program inside of the school building.  I was happy to discover that I was able to adapt to the school's policies without completely losing my mind or my teaching methods.
    Last semester my intended major was middle school education and I decided to volunteer at a local elementary school.  I left the school thinking that I had just babysat a room full of sixty kids. Though the kids were great and I did feel like I was able to help them in their studies, I never felt that I was really teaching what I loved.  I love literature.  I love the unsure, changing, tumultuous years of high school.  I love having the opportunity to guide students as they are exiting high school and making plans for the future.  These experiences have reassured my desires to teach high school literature.  I was a little unsure of myself after my experiences of last semester.  I was also often advised to stay out of English Education. Basically, I was told that I wasn't needed.  My experiences in Classic City High have shown me that I really can make an effect on my students' lives.  Even if they don't really get to know me or don't appreciate the help that I give them I still make an impact on them just as they impact me.

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