Wednesday, March 30, 2011


    John was a little tired today so I tried to take it easy with him.  Though I did coerce John into reading at least the majority of stories, I didn't push it when he began to get frustrated.  Because of the "experiment," students are forced to sit through hours of multiple choice questions.  The readings provided a break in this constant questioning.  I tried to further this break by actually discussing the readings.  I tried to bring out things that I thought were interesting or funny and I asked questions about these things.  I think that this really helped John to get through the entire class period.  Constant questioning is a good way to loose a student's attention and temper.
     After finishing a quiz, John will always ask the teacher to check his quiz. At one point, the teacher was working with another student and asked John to wait for her to finish.  While waiting, John went to online Athens and read some news stories.  When the teacher noticed this, she got on to him about wasting my time and said that he should have submitted the quiz even though he was asked to wait.  I personally have no problem with a student reading the news while waiting for a teacher's help.  I feel that it is a very productive past time.
    John was very distracted by one of his friends who sat next to him today.  They continually distracted each other but he distracted her a bit more than she distracted him.  She also had a tutor and completely ignored her and would lookk over to John in the middle of a lesson.  I'm not sure exactly how to alleviate the distractions.  Maybe something will come to me before next week.

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